Privacy Policy

Welcome to is a form of electronic commerce website which allows consumers to directly buy product from a seller over the internet using a web browser. It means going online, landing on a seller’s website, selecting something & arranging for its delivery. The buyer either pays for the products online with a credit or debit card.  

A collection of information
Your privacy is important to us and we have taken steps to ensure that we do not collect more information from you than is necessary for us to provide you with our services and to protect your account  

Information of Merchants

Privacy matters! If you are a merchant, your customers need to understand how you collect and process their personal information as the data controller. Accordingly, if you use the Services, you agree to post an up-to-date and accurate privacy policy on your storefront that complies with the laws applicable to your business. You also agree to obtain consent from your customers for the use and access of their personal information by and other third parties. In addition, if you are collecting any sensitive personal information from your customers (including information relating to medical or health conditions, racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership or sexuality), you agree to obtain affirmative, express consent from your customers for the use and access of sensitive personal information by and other third parties.  

Use of personal Data

We collect and use your Personal Data for the following purposes:   v  verifying your identity v  verifying your eligibility to register as a user of the Sites or become a blogger or an influencer of the Sites   v  processing your registration as a user, providing you with a log-in ID for the Sites and maintaining and managing your registration  v  providing you with customer service and responding to your queries, feedback, claims or disputes  v  facilitating communication between buyers and sellers on the Sites, processing transactions and payments, assessing advance withdrawal requests from sellers and providing delivery services  v  assessing account security and transaction risks of members, detecting and preventing fraud and other security incidents  

Disclosure of personal data
We will not disclose your personal information to any other party other than in accordance with this Privacy Policy and in the circumstances detailed below:   v  In the event that we sell any or all of our business to the buyer. v  Where we are legally required by law to disclose your personal information. v  To further fraud protection and reduce the risk of fraud.  

Third Party

On occasion we include links to third parties on this Website. Where we provide a link it does not mean that we endorse or approve that site’s policy towards visitor privacy. You should review their privacy policy before sending them any personal data.  

A cookie is a small amount of data, which may include a unique identifier. Cookies are sent to your browser from a website and stored on your device. We assign a different cookie to each device that accesses our website. We use cookies to recognize your device and provide you with a personalized experience on our websites, or otherwise through the Services. We also use cookies as part of the Services, for example to operate the shopping cart for our merchants’ stores. We use cookies to serve targeted ads from Google, Facebook, Bing, Source Knowledge, and other third-party vendors. We also use cookies, and other information from your browser and/or device to provide you with personalized advertising, ad delivery, and reporting across multiple sessions and devices.  

Changes to this privacy policy

Any changes to this Privacy Policy will be communicated by us posting an amended Privacy Policy on the Sites. Once posted on the Sites, the new Privacy Policy will be effective immediately.  

Your Feedback

We welcome your input regarding our Privacy Policy and any comments on the services we provide to you.  

Contacting Us

Please do not hesitate to contact us regarding any matter relating to this Privacy Policy at
Contact Number:                 +94701779177